Why Labyrinth is the Best Team Building Activity for Small and Large Groups

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Seeing some tired team-members? It’s probably time to plan the next team activity.

Whether your team is new or has been working together for years, team building is a chance to get everyone into a new setting that will teach your team valuable, applicable lessons, facilitate bonding, reduce stress, and give everyone a chance to know each other in a different environment.

And, you know, they're really fun.

Many have caught on to the team building applications of a standard escape room. Labyrinth has gone far beyond that. Ready for the next level in team building? Labyrinth’s 14-level immersive experience requires problem-solving, teamwork, patience, and perseverance. You will fail as a team, but if you persevere you will also find success as a team and bond because of it.

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Why is Labyrinth the best team building activity for small and large groups?

Mix, Match, and Adjust Teams as You Go

Unlike an escape room where teams are limited to a single, linear experience, Labyrinth allows participants to choose their own adventure. Groups from large to small can pair off into different teams and try the challenges at their own pace. Teams are not locked into that same team the entire time, in Labyrinth you can mix and match groups to solve problems as they come up. Different levels require different skill sets and designing a team around those skill sets will result in the greatest success.

Labyrinth Can Facilitate Large Groups of 100+

A typical escape room can hold up to 10 players and most escape room facilities have a limited number of experiences, making the max number of participants very small and also isolating teams into different experiences. Labyrinth allows over 100 players to not only play at the same time but to collaborate on all of the experiences in the venue.

Labyrinth Works Well With Small Groups

So your team isn’t quite 100 people yet, that’s just fine! Each of Labyrinth’s levels requires just 2-4 players. You’ll have a chance to play every level with a smaller group just as you would if there were 100+ participants. Labyrinth gives groups of any size the same opportunity to build trust through communication and team-work.

Learning How to Succeed (And Fail) Together

No matter the size of the team, the success of any outcome is shared. Sometimes you win and sometimes things fall apart and you fail. Succeed or fail, the team worked together and share the consequences. This is a valuable lesson for teams to learn so that each person feels accountable for their contribution to the larger goal and understands that their work is valuable. Team building at Labyrinth is a unique experience that can quickly and effectively help the team be a team. Labyrinth’s immersive experience creates the urgency to solve problems, with a ticking clock and every team member working toward the final goal. Unlike an escape room, Labyrinth gives players real-time feedback on their mistakes by resetting games for players so they can assess and then make the changes required to succeed. Most importantly, Labyrinth gives tangible rewards to teams for their successes through its scoring system. When a team succeeds together they are all rewarded.

Want to learn more about team building at Labyrinth? Reach out to one of our team-building experts by filling out the form below.